
Most links on this page require access. If you do not have access (but think you should), please contact Dr. Mollica.

Lab library

Reading the literature is an important part of understanding what we know and how our work fits into the field. This library is a collection of papers particularly relevant to our work.

Lab Library


Lab ordering

This is the spreadsheet where we document what we have ordered and whether it has arrived.

Lab ordering spreadsheet


Lab data upload

This is the folder to upload your data to the shared Box drive.

Box folder


Lab safety links

Safety training log/links

Chemical Inventory Spreadsheet


Letters of recommendation

I am happy to write letters of recommendation for my research mentees, research collaborators, teaching fellows, students in my classes (1+ semester is ideal), and others who I have interacted with enough to write a strong letter. Because recommendation letters are often an important part of program admission, internship/job opportunities, etc., I take care in writing these letters. I write personalized (non-generic) letters and do my best to describe how I know you, your strengths, and your fit for the opportunity at hand. Because of this, I request ample time to write the letter and specific information that supports my letter. To request a letter of recommendation, please fill out the following form 3 weeks before you will need the letter. After you submit the form, I will follow-up with you to let you know about whether I am able to write you a strong letter.

Request for letter of recommendation


SolidWorks Certification Exam Sign Up

I proctor free SolidWorks CAD Design Associate CSWA Certification exams (and potentially other SolidWorks certifications, as requested) to UMBC Mechanical Engineering students. This exam is completely optional and unrelated to your grade in ENME 204. Not all of the exam’s content was covered in previous offerings of ENME 204, especially if you took this class prior to Fall 2024. You are responsible for learning the exam content for which you are unfamiliar.

Exams will be scheduled in conjunction with ENME 204 and/or my office hours, which can be found here. In order to take the exam, you must:

(1) Have SolidWorks installed on your computer.

(2) Have the TesterPro Client downloaded onto your computer. To download, go here and click “Download TesterPro Client”.

(3) In the TesterPRO Client application, create an account with your UMBC email.

(4) Upload evidence that you took and passed (a) the Sample CWSA exam or (b) one of the parts of the CWSA certification. For (a) From the TesterPRO Client Software, attempt and pass a free Sample CWSA exam (90 mins). Note that if you fail the exam, there will be a 14 day waiting period before the system will allow you to take it again. I encourage you to look into the exam content and practice with SolidWorks tutorials or another resource before attempting the exam. For (b), If you already took and passed part 1 or part 2 of the exam in ENME 204, you may alternatively upload evidence that you have already passed part 1 or part 2 in of the certification exam.

(5) Sign up on this Google form, including indicating your availability to take the exam.

For more detailed information and instructions, please see pages 3 and 4 of this document (SW Academic Certification Provider Program 2.0 – Instructions and FAQ) for the Pre-Exam Day Checklist and instructions for launching the exam. (The rest of the pages are for me as the test administrator.) Finally, if you would like to take a different SolidWorks certification exam (other than CWSA), please indicate this in the last question of the form.


Finding us if you are a visitor

Our lab is located on the third floor of UMBC’s Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Building (ILSB). The address for this building is 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250. Notably, because all of the buildings on UMBC’s campus have the same address (1000 Hilltop Circle), you will be better off typing in the building or parking garage name into Google maps or equivalent rather than the address. If you type the address only, Google will kindly take you to a random place on campus. The closest visitor parking to us is the UMBC Commons Garage, where $2/hour parking is available in the designated visitor spots. After parking, you’ll have to stop by a pay station. Once you arrive at ILSB, you should be able to get into the building and up to the third floor. I typically meet visitors by the elevator on the 3rd floor and then I escort them into the swipe-only research area.